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Design Stories, Customer Experiences & Success reports

Press: "Good Housekeeping" writes about "20 Dreamy Sage Green Bedroom Ideas That'll Make You Feel Serene" ... and we got featured too!
Sage green bedroom ensures serenity - Press Feature: Good Housekeeping!

Client story: how 1 hour of creative brainstorming can transform a living room
Kreatives Brainstorming mit einer Interior Designerin: die Verwandlung eines Wohnzimmers!

Press: "The Spruce" writes about "20 Botanical Decor Ideas..."
"20 Botanical Decor Ideas That Nail the Grandmillennial Look, According to Designers" writes interior magazine "The Spruce".We're part of it

How to Feel at Home by Creating a Deep Connection to Your Space - and why.
Tips on how to feel at home by creating a deep connection to your space.

Press: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING - Accent walls
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING schreibt über Akzentwände und über unser Projekt in Zürich

Home and Mental Health - a personal story
How water damage in my own home pushed me to my limits. Our living environment has a huge impact on our well-being!

Press: Architectural Digest (AD) about a Localia project in Zurich!
"When a nomad finds his nest. A story about interiors that become a home. ..."
...writes AD Polska in its article about the "Hoch 3" project

Press: Article about a Localia project in NZZ Residence
"Appreciation for the Inside" - an article of NZZ Residence about a renovation and Interior Design project from Localia Interiors

Localia. Interiors.
Boutique Interior Design Studio
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